Saturday, December 27, 2008

Prompt #10

10. When was the first time you saw someone naked? (Does not have to be in person. Could be a photograph)

I can't even remember the first time I saw someone naked. I'm sure it was one of my parents, but I don't remember a specific "first" time. My mom especially has raised me in way that nakedness and the human body, even functions such as sex, are not taboo. She's really been open to talk to me about everything, and she even got me some of the How Are Babies Born books as a kid, so I never even had "the talk" because I just always knew, since I can remember.


The first time I remember...and remember being embarrassed about was when I was maybe seven or eight and I was playing hide and go seek with a neighborhood friend and her little brother. I guess I was it. I found him-- though that wasn't much a a feat because I think he was hiding behind a tree thinner than he was. From what I remember and my memory here may be faulty he just dropped trouser and said, "I like you." I remember thinking it looked really gross and being thankful I didn't have that underneath my pants. I didn't live very far away, so I just ran home at that point.

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